Category Archives: Video Guides

Using Energy Neutralizers Effectively

Energy Neuts are an extremely powerful weapon in PVP. They can completely shut down enemy ships and when used right, one neuting ship can change to outcome of a large…

Early warning for when the blob comes

Blob Early Warning System

PVPing solo means getting blobbed…. ALOT By using the trick in this video you will be able to get 10-20 seconds advanced notice BEFORE the blob lands on top of…

Announcing PVP Coaching and 1on1 Lessons!

From the start of this website I wanted to offer more personalized services so that I could deliver the absolute best results to EVE Pilots who understand how much more…

Announcing The Wolf PRO Guide

I am very proud to announce the the Launch Date of my newest PVP Guide, The Wolf PRO Guide. Set to launch at 12:01am US EST Monday June 4th! This…

Tracking Is Only Half The Story

Everyone in EVE Online understands the basic idea of Tracking. The basic idea that turrets must be able to spin fast enough to keep up with the target to maintain…

Quick Directional Scanning Example

Face it, you can’t PVP if you can’t find targets… Which is why I’ve been focusing on Scanning Videos more recently. However in the past videos, some of my example…

How to use the directional scanner to find targets in anomalies

How To Find Anomaly Runners Instantly With The Directional Scanner

I spend A LOT of time roaming Null Sec space. That means I come across ratters all the time and most of those tend to be in Cosmic Anomalies and…

FREE Guerrilla PVP Lesson on Facebook

OK… When I was a kid I was decent at drawing… That skill seems to have gone away with age. But I still managed to create a pretty cool and…

Overloading Video Guide

“Give it some heat!” I’ve found my self saying that many times in fleets. Maybe I’m the only FC that talks like that, I’m not sure. What I mean by…

Know Your Enemy – Small Energy Turrets

This is the final video in my “Know Your Enemy” Series for small turrets. In the future I may do the medium and large turrets as well. In this video…