Category Archives: PVP Guides

Want Fights? Go where the action is

As a solo or small gang PVPer (or even a roaming alliance) you crave more fights. This can be difficult if you limit your self to one area of the…

Sun Tzu and The Art of Winning Before You Fight

So maybe it’s not clear to everyone but I’m a little obsessed with EVE Online. I’ve played almost every day for 8 years now even if it was just to…

Legends Never Die – 30 Minutes in a Solo Taranis

I am in the process of moving from one side of EVE to the other, so I have been doing 2 carrier jumps per night to break it up. Last…

Radial Velocity Video Lesson – A simple way to tell what your opponent is doing

A while back I had a request to do a video about Radial Velocity and had planned to do it much sooner, but due to a RL emergency, I haven’t…

How To Fly The Taranis – Video Guide by Endo Saissore

–Editors Note By Abbadon21– Recently I came across the videos of a pilot named Endo Saissore and instantly recognized him as a skilled PVPer and even more important a skilled…

You Sneaky A** – Narrated Solo PVP Video

In my recent Movement Video I talked about a fight I had in Cloud Ring, and how I used movement to prevent (or delay) being blobbed. Several people then requested…

December: Big Neut and Nos Changes Plus Easy ISK

CCP has shifted away from it’s short lived monthly release schedule back to the slower but much bigger Expansions. The result is that we have a lot of changes to…

Using Movement to get Better Fights

As a Solo PVPer, one of the biggest challenges you face is finding “Good Fights” that give you the opportunity to succeed. You are aware of the fact that many…

Setting Up Your UI / HUD

Someone in the Forums here requested I talk about my screen setup and the how and why of everything since my setup is unconventional. So last night I created a…

Solo Cynabal Video – Why you should kill Mobile Tractor Units

Many people scoff at the idea of taking 5 minutes to kill a MTU (Mobile Tractor Unit), but like I’ve said many times in my videos… Do something to create…