Category Archives: PVP Guides

Calm Like A Bomb – Managing The Rush

Do you remember your first PVP fight? Do you remember the rush? The Shaking? The Panic when you started to take heavy damage? The rush is what hooks and addicts…

I Found You… The Insta Probe Tactic

So you think you are good at camping Gates? Stations? Do you use Insta-Probes? Probably not. The best way to describe this tactic is probably with some examples. So here…

Who’s The Primary???

How many times have you heard that in a fleet fight? Primary calling is a skill and a art that top Fleet Commanders use to win fights they might other…

The Destroyinator – Learn PVP Edition

The purpose of this site is to make you as good a pilot as possible. I think one of the best ways to do that is with my narrated videos….

Run For The Roids (Tackle Evasion)

A few weeks ago I was roaming around in my tackle interceptor looking for a ratter to tackle when I found a ratting Tengu in a belt. I tackled him…

The Ship on The EVE Loading Screen

I was just looking at some of the search phrases people are using to get to this site and noticed a lot of people using the search phrase “whats the…

Unlikely Solo PVP Ships = Win

From time to time I like to fit out some unconventional ships and see what I can do with them.  The best part about them, other than the fact that…

Better PVP with Speed and HUD Optimization

One of the first things I learned on my road to Elite PVP was that speed is everything! Especially if you’re flying combat interceptors! Other than practice one of the…

This is why most of EVE sucks at PVP…

This isn’t typical style of article I write, but it’s important… As an FC and PVPer in general I have noticed one simple and omnipresent trait that differentiates great PVPers…

Setting Up Your Overview

Imagine flying your ship with no Overview… Important things like Range, Speed, Ship Types, and many other things would be difficult and slow to figure out. The Overview gives you…