One of the first things I learned on my road to Elite PVP was that speed is everything! Especially if you're flying combat interceptors!
Other than practice one of the best ways to improve your speed is to optimize your HUD (heads up display / Interface). You do this by decreasing mouse and eye movement so that you can act with lightning speed.
Watch this video to find out how I do it...
Watch in Full Screen at 720p for best quality!
At the risk of sounding like a n00b, how do you move your selected target from the top of the screen to the “quick action” area? I try to drag it, and it will move perhaps 1/2″. then stop.. and when I release the mouse button it snaps back to the default location.
n/m the “unlock” was hiding behind my overview
i align all hud ui and targets and everything to top… so i have everything close even to the closest ships etc. in my overview…. so if something new apears on my overview i can quickly react on it… lock it by my key bind to R… and then quickly return to my HUD and targets… i will post a screenshot when i get home.)
Could we get an updated video for this? In your more recent videos you use radial velocity on your HUD to great effectiveness and if you could get an update video describing why everything is where it is that would be helpful.
I did on a month or so ago here:
I doesn’t talk much about Radial Velocity but without a doubt that is my favorite overview column. Being able to know what’s coming toward or away from you and cross referencing it with their real velocity is HUGE. I may try to do a short video about Radial Velocity soon for you.