Category Archives: PVP Guides

Mechanics Monday: Why Looking Weak Gets You More Kills In EVE

One of my favorite parts of EVE is the ability to use Misdirection as a tactic in so many situations. One tactic I use all the time is to act…

Mechanics Monday: Bubbles – Mobile Warp Disruptor Bubbles + HICs + DICs

If you’ve ever been to Null Sec you know what bubbles are. But for those who haven’t yet ventured into the lawless areas of EVE, bubbles are deployable or projectable…

Mechanics Monday: Shield Boosters VS Armor Repairers

Ever wonder what the difference  was between Shield Boosters and Armor Repairers? Seems like a simple question and something pretty basic, but there’s more to it than you think… We…

New Twitch Channel and Weekly PVP Broadcast

Last Friday I setup Twitch and streamed a few hours of PVP and pretty quickly racked up 8 solo kills in my Thrasher, with most the kills coming in outnumbered…

Mechanics Monday: Damage Control Modules

In previous Mechanics articles we focused on more exciting modules, but I don’t want to miss the core modules that effect almost every ship. The Damage Control Modules are the…

Mechanics Monday: ASB / Ancillary Shield Booster

By now everyone has run into these in PVP and they have certainly changed things. From Frigates tanking gate guns to get a kill to battleships tanking entire fleets while…

The Hurricane PRO Guide is LIVE!

Over the last two months I’ve been flying the Hurricane almost exclusively so I could create the most effective and fun Hurricane PVP Guide ever made. During that time I…

Announcing The Hurricane PRO PVP Guide

Since releasing my first Narrated Videos I have been getting requests for a Hurricane PVP Guide and after months of work it’s finally done! The new Hurricane PRO Guide will…

Using Energy Neutralizers Effectively

Energy Neuts are an extremely powerful weapon in PVP. They can completely shut down enemy ships and when used right, one neuting ship can change to outcome of a large…

Early warning for when the blob comes

Blob Early Warning System

PVPing solo means getting blobbed…. ALOT By using the trick in this video you will be able to get 10-20 seconds advanced notice BEFORE the blob lands on top of…