Category Archives: Tactics

How to Hunt Herds Like a Cheetah

[youtube MJA7sIpusjI nolink] In the above video you can see a real world example of EVE Online Elite Level PVP… Imagine there is a 100 strong herd of BattleCruisers passing…

FREE Guerrilla PVP Lesson on Facebook

OK… When I was a kid I was decent at drawing… That skill seems to have gone away with age. But I still managed to create a pretty cool and…

Overloading Video Guide

“Give it some heat!” I’ve found my self saying that many times in fleets. Maybe I’m the only FC that talks like that, I’m not sure. What I mean by…

Go Fly A Kite (in PVP)

In EVE most tactics can be broken down into two types, Brawling or Kiting. Brawling is pretty simple, you go in close and you brawl until the end. There is…

Know Your Enemy – Small Hybrid Turrets

If you’ve watched my video “Win Before You Fight” then you know that one of the best ways to get an advantage in PVP is to know as much as…

I Found You… The Insta Probe Tactic

So you think you are good at camping Gates? Stations? Do you use Insta-Probes? Probably not. The best way to describe this tactic is probably with some examples. So here…

Who’s The Primary???

How many times have you heard that in a fleet fight? Primary calling is a skill and a art that top Fleet Commanders use to win fights they might other…

The Destroyinator – Learn PVP Edition

The purpose of this site is to make you as good a pilot as possible. I think one of the best ways to do that is with my narrated videos….

Run For The Roids (Tackle Evasion)

A few weeks ago I was roaming around in my tackle interceptor looking for a ratter to tackle when I found a ratting Tengu in a belt. I tackled him…

Tactics 101

Tactics are one of my favorite aspects of EVE. Out maneuvering enemies and leading them into traps is very enjoyable. Instead of jumping into more advanced stuff, I wanted to…