Category Archives: Featured

This is why most of EVE sucks at PVP…

This isn’t typical style of article I write, but it’s important… As an FC and PVPer in general I have noticed one simple and omnipresent trait that differentiates great PVPers…

Setting Up Your Overview

Imagine flying your ship with no Overview… Important things like Range, Speed, Ship Types, and many other things would be difficult and slow to figure out. The Overview gives you…

Turn off Autotargeting

Autotargeting is the feature that causes your ship to automatically lock everything that locks it. This includes NPC’s and Players. One of the first things every pilot should do is…

Tactics 101

Tactics are one of my favorite aspects of EVE. Out maneuvering enemies and leading them into traps is very enjoyable. Instead of jumping into more advanced stuff, I wanted to…

Broadcasting = Better Fleets

Many times in fleets I hear people who are confused with the way the fleet functions work. Other times people are simply inefficient about the way they broadcast. There’s nothing…

The 10 Most Common PVP Mistakes In EVE

Sometimes it’s just as important to learn what not to do as it is to learn what you should do. So in this article I’m going to talk about the…

Scamming Scammers – Because Greed is Exploitable

I’ve always enjoyed movies about Cons and Con men, so when I started playing EVE my inner Con Man got some ideas… The first Con I did was the one…

How to survive station camping!

Have you ever been camped in station by pirates or nasty war targets? If so then this is a must read as it will show you a couple of tricks…

Using Your Directional Scanner – Video Guide

Using the directional scanner is one of the most important skills in the game, if not the most important. If you want to be a solo pvper or even a…

Incarna is Coming and I Don’t Care

With every major patch I try to do an article on how it will effect Pro players in the game. Sadly, Incarna is barely worth the time. Here’s Why… Incarna…