Category Archives: EVE Online Guide

Crime Watch – Kill Rights Guide

In this guide I will explain the new kill rights system and how it has changed, there are many new exciting changes in the kill rights system. I will explain…

Crime Watch – Timers Guide

In this article we will try to explain the new Eve timers as simply as possible and in as much detail as we can. This article will encompass all the…

The Final Nail in the Can Flipping Coffin… Can Flipping is Officially Dead

In my previous articles about the upcoming Retribution changes that are coming on Dec 4th, I mentioned that it looked bad for can flipping. The fact that the mechanic that…

Reclaim You Screen Real Estate – Shrink Local Chat

Most EVE Online Players have a common problem, too many windows and not enough space. There’s so much information you need to have displayed to fly your ship but never…

Mechanics Monday: Why Looking Weak Gets You More Kills In EVE

One of my favorite parts of EVE is the ability to use Misdirection as a tactic in so many situations. One tactic I use all the time is to act…

Mechanics Monday: Bubbles – Mobile Warp Disruptor Bubbles + HICs + DICs

If you’ve ever been to Null Sec you know what bubbles are. But for those who haven’t yet ventured into the lawless areas of EVE, bubbles are deployable or projectable…

New Bounty Hunting = Slightly More Profitable PVP – New Kill Rights System = AWESOME

In the coming Retribution Expansion (To be released in December) CCP will be redoing the Bounty Hunting System AND the Kill Rights System. As most players already know, Bounty Hunting…

Mechanics Monday: EVE Security Status

Since I’m painfully grinding my security status back from below -5 to a level that allows me to PVP properly, I thought it would be a good time to talk…

Crimewatch: How EVE Will Change

For those who haven’t heard of it, Crimewatch is the name CCP has given to their project dedicated to overhauling the Aggression and Flagging Systems in EVE Online. Currently the…

Mechanics Monday: Shield Boosters VS Armor Repairers

Ever wonder what the difference  was between Shield Boosters and Armor Repairers? Seems like a simple question and something pretty basic, but there’s more to it than you think… We…