Bombs are a seriously underused weapon in EVE, and their unique attributes make them very useful in special situations... Like the first scene in this video.
A few days earlier I engaged this stabber in my Hurricane expecting an easy kill, only for him to scram me and Black Ops drop 20+ Recons and Stealth Bombers on me.
Knowing that he would be over confident about his success, I refit my Armageddon and left it in waiting in a my hanger.
Just as predicted he came out a few days later with the same stabber. So I warped to the station at 100km and waited.
The rest you will see in the video!
Following that there is some cool bomber fleet action, where we show how just 5 or so pilots can engage a much larger blob and get steady easy kills with the right tactics.
Music is: Bomber by Motorhead
You can watch it on Youtube in 720p or if you want the best quality, you can download it from EVE-Files here:
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