The ISK Pro Guide Ver 1.0

Congratulations and welcome to The ISK Pro Guide Members Area. On this page you will find all of the Video and Text Guides.

-Watch This Video First-

Important: Make sure you Bookmark or Favorite this page. You can return to this page at any time to access the contents (including any updates), however you must use your unique URL that you have now. Do not share this URL with anyone else because it will deactivate.

I highly recommend that you save all of these to your computer for fast access. The videos will not work quite right unless you first download them.

Note: All of the links below will expire after one hour, so if you get an error you should just refresh this page and then try again.

If you have any trouble or need help you can email me at or simply leave a comment on this page.


Unconventional ISK Profit Report -PDF File

(Right Click and Save Target As or Save Link As to Download)


Epic Arc Profit Report -PDF File

(Right Click and Save Target As or Save Link As to Download)


Market Manipulation -Video

(Right Click and Save Target As or Save Link As to Download)

Null Sec Market Manipulation -Video

(Right Click and Save Target As or Save Link As to Download)


Level 1 Plex Alt for ISK -Video

(Right Click and Save Target As or Save Link As to Download)


GANKED! High Sec Ganking Guide -Video

IMPORTANT NOTE: The latest "Crucible" Expansion has changed the way Insurance works. You no longer get insurance when you die during Ganks. This make ganking more expensive, but it's still very profitable. Now you need to make ALL your Ganks count and you need to fly as cheap as possible. Be patient and wait for haulers with over a billion ISK worth of loot.

(Right Click and Save Target As or Save Link As to Download)


Scamming for Fun and Profit -PDF File

(Right Click and Save Target As or Save Link As to Download)


Incursion Profit Report -PDF File

(Right Click and Save Target As or Save Link As to Download)


Here are the links to the Free Videos that still contain some really great stuff:

Basic Market Trading

Contract Manipulation 101

Easy Salvage Trick



2 thoughts on “The ISK Pro Guide Ver 1.0

  1. Chris Gilbert -aka- Christarani

    Man I’m so glad you did this, the other so called guides online truly suck MWD fumes. Will get back to you as soon as I start making the ISK instead of buying it. 🙂

    Fly Safe

  2. Thanks for all the info man, 😛

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