The InstaLock InstaKill Svipul Fitting and Tactics

In my last video I mentioned a fast locking high alpha Svipul fit. This fit isn't a "standard fit" or something you should use often. It is by definition a "Trick Ship" that will take people by surprise and get you some sneaky kills.

It is very much like my InstaKill Thrasher Fit that I posted here a year or two ago. The difference is that the Svipul doubles the Scan Resolution, increased DPS Alpha and Output, and improves Tracking among a few other things.

The idea here is not that this is a roaming ship, or a solo ship. This is a ship you use to take people by surprise and get a easy kill every once in a while. It's a very weak ship that can Instalock Frigates and larger ships then do a huge amount of Alpha Damage (instant).

This Alpha (or Volley) Damage is enough to kill pods and some frigates in one shot so they are dead before they know what happened or can react. Tankier Frigates will take two or three shots and since your cycle time on the Artillery is about 5 seconds overloaded you are almost guaranteed a second shot. That's 2,247 Damage for one shot and 4,494 Damage for two.

To do this you need to be in Sharpshooter Mode to take advantage of the Scan Resolution and Tracking Bonuses and you need to be in a low risk situation.

DON'T use this if the enemy know what you are up to (because they've seen you do it already) or if they can respond quickly. It is a pretty easy tactic to counter if it's expected.

My suggestion for use would be to use it in situations where you have the ability to avoid the fights and targets that aren't favorable for you.

For example, sitting 15km from the undock of a station and docking if anything but a frigate or pod undocks. Then when you see a frigate, pod, or hauler you engage with guns overloaded and kill the target. During this whole time you should be prepared to align and warp quickly should more undock or things go bad.

Another example would be on a gate in Null Sec. Interceptors a very common in Null Sec. Many people use them as shuttles and haulers. This fit will catch "some" of them but not all. Whether or not you lock the Interceptor will be based on align time, the server tick, and the Interceptors Signature Resolution. To do this simply sit on gate at Zero, run Sensor Boosters, and then Blap everything that comes through.

The dangers of this tactic are that you cannot see the other side of the gate and could get blobbed (use a scout alt or friend to watch the other side) or a Black Ops drop (jump through if you suspect it).

Just remember, you have no tank, no disengage, and no propulsion. You're only defense is offense followed by warping away.

Finally if you want to see this in action in a video I did right after the release of the Svipul then watch this video guide I made:

Here's the Fitting:

Svipul - Insta Kill Alpha

[Svipul, Insta Kill Alpha]
Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Tracking Enhancer II

Sensor Booster II, Scan Resolution Script
Sensor Booster II, Scan Resolution Script
Sensor Booster II, Scan Resolution Script
Warp Disruptor II

280mm Howitzer Artillery II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma S
280mm Howitzer Artillery II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma S
280mm Howitzer Artillery II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma S
280mm Howitzer Artillery II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma S
[empty high slot]
[empty high slot]

Small Projectile Locus Coordinator I
Small Projectile Locus Coordinator I
Small Projectile Collision Accelerator I



About the author

In 2010 Abbadon21 was the first person to create Narrated Instructional PVP videos for EVE Online. This started a new era of EVE Online and opened up high level "PRO" PVP to everyone. Abbadon21 is also the Founder of, which is EVE Online's oldest and most trusted source for high quality PRO Guides.