The Blob is one of my latest PVP videos that I have now gone back and narrated so that players could not only see what I'm doing but hear me explaining why I am doing it.
The video is mostly me solo in a tracking/nano hurricane. Although there is a quick Thrasher fight and a pretty cool fight where I'm in a Drake fighting evil pirate scum! lol
The sound might start a little low, but be patient. I lowered it so you could here my voice.
I think there is a demand for videos that teach the skills and tactics of PVP. If you agree with that I encourage you to leave a comment saying so. That way I can judge the demand.
Remember to watch in Full Screen and set it to 720P for best quality!
I can’t hear anything over the sound of how awesome this aritcle is.
Loved the video. By far the best visual and explained PVP guides i have seen to date and hope that there is more to come. Makes me excited to go back and try some more PVP using some tactic!