Usually I don't post my loss videos because that would just be depressing. But it's a fact of solo PVP that no matter what you do you are going to die. AND if you are doing it right you will die often (because you push your self and take risks).
This situation however is just a little absurd.
The reason this is possible is because the game is broken when it comes to Sov and Capitals. You see the Capital Jump Changes that were supposed to hurt the big mega blobs of EVE ended up helping them by making their homes virtually inaccessible by enemy capital fleets.
So while yes, the small guys get dropped a little less often by the big guys, the big guys are at virtually Zero Risk when they field Capitals and Super Capitals.
This is why you see ratting carriers in every other system of Deklien and some other regions. The only real threat to them is from wormholes but even that is very low risk.
The other reason this is so safe is because they have Intel Channels to alert the approach of large fleets and they all have cynos and fuel so that if one gets tackled all jump to that one.
What's fun about ratting with a Carrier with ZERO risk? (other than making 20 Million ISK per 15 minutes while watching Frasier?)
What ever happened to EVE being Dangerous?
This is probably a whole new article but why is EVE becoming such a safe place?
For example, when I roam through Null in a Taranis and jump into a Ice Mining System then instantly warp to the Ice Site, why do they ALWAYS get away before I land or right as I land?
Honestly I haven't caught a Miner in Null in so long I can't remember and even then it was on a Gate.
Without a doubt it is FAR SAFER to mine in Null Sec than High Sec.
But it's not just Mining!
Ratting is safer as well.
EVE Online Needs to be more Dangerous! EVE Needs a Local Delay!
Now this idea isn't new, and god knows Goons would find a way to make it work in their favor. But the Game needs more Danger.
I wonder if noobs still look at Low Sec and Null as scary places like I did when I started? I don't think so.
The timer would be based on Security Status...
- 0.4 would have a 5 second delay
- 0.3 a 10 second delay
- 0.2 a 15 second delay
- 0.1 a 20 second delay
- 0.0 a 30 second delay
Finally, high sec should be nerfed enough to make Low Sec and Null more interesting for players.
Didn't mean to rant, but I can't stand this game getting constantly safer. If I wanted safe I would go play something else. I play EVE for excitement.
If a delay were added, all it would mean is that you would always be able to catch them, so even the most alert ratter would never escape. That’s not a balanced change, that’s flipping the mechanics wildly in your favour.
As for them being safe, they are only safe because they take steps to mitigate the risk that exists. They arrange their carrier groups to protect each other and they run their own intel channels. They aren’t being given any mystical powers, they are working to make themselves safer. That’s like saying “It’s not fair to fit warp core stabs because you can get away if I only have one point”. Mechanical safety is bad, but players making choices to mitigate their risk is exactly what EVE is supposed to be.
I see what you are saying but I don’t agree. Warp Stabs have balance in that they make your ship less effective (maybe not in FW).
Intel Channels are fine and a good thing. Defense fleets are also good. But why should people be able to avoid danger 100% of the time because they know how to warp out when a neutral enters local?
Why not put eyes (a scout) on the gate instead of relying on local? That’s balance.
How does it make the game better to have zero risk ISK making in what should be dangerous space?
Imagine if this was a movie or reality. Would you mine with 20 mining barges and no combat ships to protect the fleet? Maybe so if there was a big sign that lit up every time an enemy was near?
What you have today is not balanced, it’s “I will mine with 10 accounts at the same time and fleet warp out when someone enters local because I have no need to defend myself.”
I have nothing against making ISK, we all do it, but isn’t it more fun if get rewarded for taking risks?
Sorry to disagree with you, although I really like your pvp videos.
There is no risk vs reward scale in EVE. It is just a fable, created by the PR section of CCP.
If you proposed local delay would be introduced, then how would that improve the gameplay? Other than providing an infinite source for lame and easy gank kills. Can we agree that when ever two ships meet and one ship cannot shoot back at the other, that then it is no pvp? Or how would you like it, if people told you to stop whining about losing your ship to superior forces? Oh, sweet leet pvper tears… And all these crappy comments…
If player undertake immense organisational work to run a functioning intel, shouldn’T they not be safe? Or on the other hand, if there was a delayed local which would render an intel channel in today’s form obsolete was implemented and the risk suddenly multiplies, shouldn’t the mining yields go up accordingly? To “balance” out the risk?
Why is it that only pvp players constantly whine about the alleged lack of risk of pve activities? Why should pve players permanently accept and welcome “forced on” unconsensual pvp?
If both activities would require the same ships and fittings, ok, but why should a pve player be forced to fit his ship in a way that he will not be able to execute his pve activity efficiently, but the pvp player can focus solely on his pvp fit, without having to worry getting attacked by sansha’s, drifters or whatelse…
Your view seems very single sided to me…
There is only one time any of those timers would ever help you get a kill. If you logged off I’m system. If there is a delay in local, people will dock up sooner instead of wait till the last moment. You are actually hurting yourself. Right now you have chance of catching a slow cocky pilot. I also know some groups have watch accounts. Just sitting on gates watching people come down the pipe. Now you really have hurt yourself because everyone will have them now. So not only are you totally unaware they know you are there but they also know where you went and what you are flying. All you would do is make it harder for yourself in well organized groups. It will also make people only mine with boost at the further most point from a gate warp in. Make rattlesnake do the same and force everyone to always be aligned. Finally, you just filter out all anon once you are in a combat sight and just watch for wormhole pop ups. How have you made it less safe?
Also what the hell spell check. Thanks for going nuts screwing up my post lol.
lol I took care of it.
It’s a contentious issue and no one really knows what effect it would have. Your comment did make me realize that as a Roamer you would go into systems and have no idea if the system was empty or had 100 people beyond what you saw on Directional (at least for 30 seconds).
Ratters would always have a chance of escaping just as they do in wormhole space. Use D-scan….Also, even that is not fullproof due to D-scan immune recons and the mobile scan inhibitor…. This is where, you need to have your OV setup, ready to bail as soon as you see a ship decloak or come in on grid…If it is a smartbombing proteus, well, your screwed, or a bomber that can lock you right after decloak…. As far as ratting carriers, pick an anom as far away from the in gate as possible, stay full speed aligned, fighters out… Watch recon channel and D-scan…Use an alt with another window up…So many ways to stay safe…If local is delayed, doesn’t hurt me one bit…been living without it in wormhole space.
Frogshit, I say, complete and utter frogshit!
When people organise and get together to protect their homes they can increase their safety against isolated terrorists and other nutcases.
Why should EVE be any different? Why should 5,000 people working together have to lose things to lone ‘L33T’ terrorists? I still get the occasional miner kill (usually B0T folk) but not so often from blindly jumping into a system and warping to a site. I scout and prepare and gather intelligence first. Even then the target miners are very well organised and I suspect most of my successes are due to the miner being particularly retarded or taking a biobreak without getting safe.
Complaining because EVE and your targets do not just hand you kills really sucks. If other players have adapted to mitigate against your playstyle you should be looking at what you can do to counter their efforts … not joining the ‘eve is broken (for me)’ bandwagon. Stop your whining and adapt!
Miner-hunting adepts use a wide range of techniques to gather their kills … and blindly jumping into a system, yelling “surprise”, and warping to a site is only a very small part of their success.
Referring to solo PVPers as terrorists is a bit harsh.
Organizing is great. Local Chat does not equal organizing.
Awww c’mon, did I not mention both L33T and terrorism in equal prominence? Anyways legal definitions of terrorism tend to talk about unlawful use of force and violence to intimidate or coerce in ‘furtherance’ of objectives. What about lowsec / nullsec non-consensual PVP is not terrorism?
Hey, all the same w-space provides systems without local chat channels if that’s actually what you’re seeking. Hunting there you need wits and skillz and *effort*.
ok, i accept, I did give terrorism prominence over L33Tism. Mea culpa.
Can’t say I like either term. Pro sounds much better to me.
You seem to think my motivation is that I want the game to be “easier” and require less effort. That’s not the case. I want more danger and excitement for both the hunters and hunted.
I want to warp to a Ice Belt and find both miners and combat ships and I want the combat ships to stay and fight me regardless of the outcome. In fact I would expect to die often but the fights I would get would be amazingly hard and fun.
Have a look at my “You Sneaky Ass” video… That to me is a great night of EVE. Fighting an enemy that has me out numbered and out shipped and still having a good time and getting kills before dying… AND I respect J4LP for defending themselves and killing me and can guarantee they enjoyed it as much as I did.
Another point I forgot to add is…
What ever happened to belt piracy? or piracy in general?
Maybe it’s time to remove asteroid belts because no one uses them anymore, except as bounces to avoid bubbles. All Mining and Ratting is in anomalies now.
I would just like to point out that a delay to the local list would not have saved you from that. I think you may be letting the irritation of a super-cap gate camp cloud your vision here.
The local delay was kind of a unintended rant that sprang from me pointing out how the jump changes hurt the game.
This fight happened many months ago and even then I wasn’t upset over it. I only get upset when I lose due my failure to perform at a level I expect of my self. In this case there was no winning solution short of not going there in the first place but doing that would just further their delusions of safety.
Honestly, I’m surprised by the amount of resistance to this idea of a local delay. To me it’s very logical. WH Space has no local at all and they do fine.
Agree with you entirely on most of the unintended consequences that those jump-changes have had. It hasn’t stopped ratting carriers being caught though, but it does seem to have increased their prevalence and their confidence.
Despite the changes, though, people have adapted and we see many more BLOPS-gangs actively pursuing miners, retard carrier ratters, and .. well … most anything they think they can catch. Much less likely now, to have a PL super gang drop in on your ratting carrier though … just for the LOLZ.
“Honestly, I’m surprised by the amount of resistance to this idea of a local delay. To me it’s very logical. WH Space has no local at all and they do fine.”
Then go hunting in w-space if you want to play where your targets have no access to ‘local’. This argument has been done to death dozens and dozens of times, over many years, in the eve forums. It has always chased itself around and around in circles ending up in much the same place.