EVE Pro Guides is Proud to Sponsor the EOC.TV Rumble for Charity!

EPGLogo2If you've been watching the EVE News you probably saw the EOC.TV Rumble mentioned. I personally have been watching closely and from what I can see it looks like it will not just be a super fun in game event, but also a fantastic way for EVE Players to give back and help some good causes.

The prizes for this event are insane and A LOT of people will walk away over a Billion ISK richer just for being there and getting on the right kill mails. EX: 2 Billion ISK for the youngest Character, and 5 Billion ISK for last hitting the 50th or 100th kill!

Here's what's going down as I understand it...

There will be 4 teams lead by some of EVE Online's best FC's, a Titan to Kill, Reinforced Server Nodes, and all kinds of craziness. Not to mention enough ship wrecks to crash the Salvage Market.

This is all happening on November 29th.

The Charities that will benefit are:

PLEX For Good - CCP's Charity that turns ISK back into money so that it can be donated.

Best of Us - An absolutely AWESOME project to help Veterans inside and outside EVE Online.

Care 4 Kids - A Charity that brings EVE Online to children and teens in the Hospital for long periods of time. (I just donated a little cash to them also)

How cool are those Charities? Bring EVE Online to Veterans and people in the hospital? Awesome!

How to Sign Up:

The Entry fee for the event is 100 Million ISK and instructions for how to sign up are on the website here: The EOC.TV Ruble For Charity

But wait!

I want to show them EVE Pro Guides viewers and customers support the EVE Community, so I am asking you for a favor...

When you send the ISK in game, add a note for the reason that says you were referred by EVEProGuides.com.



I donated a bit of ISK from EVE Pro Guides, but I think the biggest thing I can do is spread the word so that we get a massive turn out and everyone has a great time while helping some good causes!

About the author

In 2010 Abbadon21 was the first person to create Narrated Instructional PVP videos for EVE Online. This started a new era of EVE Online and opened up high level "PRO" PVP to everyone. Abbadon21 is also the Founder of EVEProGuides.com, which is EVE Online's oldest and most trusted source for high quality PRO Guides.