With the Ascension Expansion coming up on November 15th EVE Online will see a large influx of new players.
While they learn the game and build up their Skill Points they will need a way to make ISK. So I did some thinking and found what I think is possibly the easiest most reliable way to make ISK starting on Day 1 with no skills trained yet.
This ISK Making Method is easy and very low risk. Simply Autopilot away from Jita, pickup a ship, and fly it back to Jita.
Imagine this Real World Scenario:
Let's say California passed a law requiring all passenger vehicles be Hybrids or Electric Only within 5 years. This would cause prices of these cars to go up in California as demand increased while older Gasoline Powered cars would plummet in value as people tried to dump to a market that's not buying them anymore.
A smart business move in this case would be to purchase a Hybrid or Electric Car in another state, drive it to California where it would then sell for a premium, then buy a under priced Gasoline Car and drive it back to a state with a Hybrid or Electric for sale at a good price.
This whole concept exploits price differences in different locations.
The same is true in EVE Online although the reasons are different and vary wildly.
An example from my own experience was when my alliance moved across the universe and I didn't want to move everything. To make things easier I listed my ships on the local market at a discount so they would sell faster.
Doing this opened up an opportunity for someone willing to come get the ship and move it to a market where it would sell at a higher price.
This type of thing happens constantly in EVE where a ship in one location is cheaper than it is in Jita. As a result a pilot can simply move the ship to Jita and make a profit. Best of all, this can be done on Autopilot!
To find these deals you will need to use a website like EVE-MarketData.com or EVE-Central.com to compare prices across the EVE Universe. I prefer EVE-MarketData.com because it has more features and allows you to see the distance from Jita.
To show you exactly how this works I made a complete video guide that shows you everything you need to do to start with as little as 300,000 ISK and easily build that up to 50-100 Million ISK while autopiloting and building up your Skill Points.
Watch Full Screen
Seriously? The #1 Rule for any hauler is to not use Autopilot and here you are making the recommendation in bold and underlined to new players that Autopilot is the way to go?
You’re gonna get some new bros ganked hard if they take your advice and Autopilot to Jita.
Did you watch the video?
None of these ships they will be flying with be worth ganking because they will be unfit, with no cargo.
Gankers focus on haulers or ships carrying valuable cargo.
But yes, it is very likely some groups will grief a little early on and gank just for the tears. However that won’t last more than a week or two and will be extremely rare (like being struck by lightning).
Unless you’re one of those Kill Right scammers I’d argue that using Autopilot is like painting a bulls-eye on you ship regardless of whether your hauling, have cargo, or are moving an unfit ship
Just my opinion but I feel like it’s not something that should be recommended to anyone, but especially to a new bro – teach them ‘bad habits’.
I always autopilot in high sec so long as I don’t have valuable cargo and I have never been ganked in 8 years.
As someone who has ganked in the past it’s just not worth ganking people unless the cargo in their hold is more than 2 times the value of the ships you will lose in the gank due to the 50% drop rate.
No cargo and no fittings will not get ganked.