Category Archives: Pirating

I Found You… The Insta Probe Tactic

So you think you are good at camping Gates? Stations? Do you use Insta-Probes? Probably not. The best way to describe this tactic is probably with some examples. So here…

The Ship on The EVE Loading Screen

I was just looking at some of the search phrases people are using to get to this site and noticed a lot of people using the search phrase “whats the…

The 10 Most Common PVP Mistakes In EVE

Sometimes it’s just as important to learn what not to do as it is to learn what you should do. So in this article I’m going to talk about the…

Quickly Increasing Your Security Status

The penalties for low-sec (and especially high-sec) PVP can get annoying and if you have any intention of PVPing anywhere but null sec, you better get used a low securtiy…