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Question on eve market data. I see paid members access more info. I don’t see anywhere what the cost is to be a paid meber. Any idea?
TemijinParticipantAnother though….what about replacing the mwd with a t2 ab? About 2/3rds max speed of the mwd and a much fast warp out with cycle warp. Also 25% more cap. Plus…HICs don’t effect an AB.
TemijinParticipantHad a fight with a svipul and proteus on a gate in null. Was grinding down the svipul but the proteus showed up to help his bud and pounded me pretty hard. He got me before I could pop the svipul. Svipul killed my drones and I didn’t have an ew drones in that build to escape with but I do now.
Do you think the added cost of the t2 rigs are worth it. Huge increase in cost of build. Would take me from a 40 mil or so isk cost to 70 mill isk cost per loss. I’ve built twenty brutix with max hull tank build. Just balking at the t2 rig cost ATM.
Brutix becoming my prefer ship for pvp. The cost/power ration is really good. The build is simple for me to fight. The hp buys me time to think ahead. T1 Frig fights are just so fast I get flustered as I don’t have time to recover from a mistake.
I keep seeing brutix videos of frig and into blobs getting in web/scram range. Damn, where are those guys! I get blobbed by smart people. Lol!
My kill ratio sucks badly but I’m learning….
TemijinParticipantTech one frigate fitting guide PDFs has the kestrel fit I’m using. Got waxed by a hookbill tonight barely scratched him. Had a very close fight with armor reaping Tristan. Working faction sites. Losing ships but learning. Losing the jitters and being able to focus better.
Will try the modules you recommended.
TemijinParticipantI currently use a mix of kinetic and explosive medium drones as these are the two best types to burn through armor. I run one 650 arty gun instead of the third neut that burns down the shield with calderi EM rounds. For frigs I use 4 explosive and one em light drone. Fast, accurate, deadly.
I find that I rarely use all three neuts and two are plenty with my level 5 bonus. The gun boosts my dps and gives me another way to kill if my drone are destroyed.
Pilgrim is awesome ship
TemijinParticipantAnd the winning combo is…. 2em and 3 explosive. These types of drones are faster and have better tracking. The em drops the shield faster and the explosive chews up the armor. There are specific ships that are not a good match for this combo such as the pilgrim. However, as a standard the em ex damage drones outperform other combos over most of the common racial ship types.
The eve uni site has some great table showing the speed and tracking advantages of em and explosive damage drones. Well worth the read.
TemijinParticipantThe ninja pilgrim builds fit my play style very well and am enjoying learning how to fight with them. Since the damage is all from drones, optimizing their utility would be very important to the success of the ship. Now since your opponent should be capped out, all the active hardeners, reppers and dcus should be off so all the resist holes should be wide open for that ship type.
Sending out EM drones to beat down the shields then replacing them with another type to take down the armor would take too much travel time where no dps is being applied and would negate the advantages of matching damage type to resist weakness.
Closing to reduce unproductive drone travel time may be a tactic but if against a projectile ship that is not effected by being capped out could be very dangerous.
What I’m looking to do is to standardize my combat tactics with the pilgrim that would make my combat drill effective against a wide range of opponents. Abbadon you have so much experience with your hundreds of fights that much just comes automatically to you. I get too easily confused in the fight with all the myriad of things to consider. So, having a standard battle drill that I employ in every fight with my pilgrim would serve me well methinks.
Because I have limited drone bay capacity, the right combination of light and medium drones is an important consideration. Finding an optimal mix that has good performance against a wide range of ship types is important.
I have a test in mind to determine whether a mixed damage type or single damage type drone pack would be best across a wide range of racial shield and armor resistances. I’ll crunch some numbers and report back. Stay tuned!
TemijinParticipantIn one of the videos Abaddon talks about the importance of gettin dps on target quickly. That higher dps is useless if it takes too long to get it on your target.
After reading the Eve Uni training on drones, methinks the same speed philosophy would apply to drone dps. A faster drone with less dps could be more desirable then a slower drone with more dps.
Now for me, trying to decide what drone damage types to use in the middle of a fight is just another demand of my mind amongst many. With the ninja pilgrim you have some time typically to plan your attack while stealthed but for most other ships you don’t. With so many ship types it is difficult to quickly predict what the main holes in resistance will be and if passive or active modules will be used.
So, given the above, I would think it would be wiser to use a mix of drone damage types with the edge towards faster drones and EM. Why EM? There are many shield fit configurations where EM would be the damage of choice. You also have to knock down the shields before you drones can chew into armor. So, the faster you get to the armor the faster you kill the ship. So, I believe a standard of 2 EM, 1 KN, 1 EX, and 1 Thermal for medium and heavy drone packs would be optimal. For light drones a mix of 3 EM and 2 EX would be optimal for frigs, destroyers and interceptors.
So, faster drones to get to the target quicker. Drone packs leaning towards EM damage to get through the shields faster. Mixed damage types to exploit whatever resistance holes are available once the shields are down. Together should lead to faster kills.
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