Blog Archives

Bouncing to escape tackle in eve online guide

How to Escape Tackle by “Bouncing” Your Opponent out of Point/Lock Range

Avoiding Death in EVE Online is just as important, if not more important than blowing up other players. No matter what you do, there will be some situations where you…

EFT DPS Graph and Leadership Skills

Core Skills: Using EFT to “Simulate” Fights with DPS Graph

“To know your Enemy, you must become your Enemy.” -Sun Tzu In this short video you will learn how to use EFT’s DPS Graph Feature to simulate fights between two…

Core Skills: Combat Probing After Odyssey

The new Odyssey expansion included some very serious changes to Combat Probing in EVE Online. The effect was that Probing became far easier and faster. With the new “Formations” you…

Early warning for when the blob comes

Core Skills: Skill Training Basics

As part of my Core Skills series I am covering some of the first things you should learn when you start to play EVE. For many of you this is…

Tags For Sec = Easy ISK / Ratter Kills?

The EVE Online Expansion Odyssey was released earlier today and one of the things I am most looking forward to is Tags For Sec, which will allow people with low…

Core Skills: EVE Online Warp Mechanics

In this installment of the Core Skills series you will learn everything you need to know about warp mechanics and how you can use them to your advantage. Understanding these…

Core Skills: Setting up Safe Spots and Gate Tacticals

In this first video on the new Core Skills series you will learn the basics of setting up Safe Spots and Tacticals in EVE Online. These allow you to travel…

Updates to EVE Pro Guides

After the very successful launch of the new SFI Pro Guide, it’s time to make some changes to EVE Pro Guides so that it can grow a little faster. These…

The SFI PRO PVP Guide PVP Lesson Tutorial

The SFI PRO Guide is LIVE!!!

After MANY months of flying the SFI, Stabber, and Cynabal almost exclusively, I am very excited to bring you the new SFI PRO Guide. This Guide is quite possibly the…

Stabber Fleet Issue Solo PVP Guide

Astro Zombies Solo EVE PVP Guide Video – Learn PVP Edition

After I released my new PVP Video called Astro Zombies, I got a lot of feedback from people who wanted a Narrated Version. In the past, I have always followed…